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Funding Parameters

The Colibirt Foundation is not engaged in traditional public fundraising schemes or endeavors with private or corporate donors, nor does the Foundation benefits from public or private subsidies.

The Foundation uses its financial expertise with selected and qualified partners creating a win-win situation for both parties in owned and allocated commodities operations using real precious assets to generate added value in traditional and digitized setups, structures and transactions for the benefit of its mission programs and the people. The Foundation is in the process collaborating with proven and known blockchain platforms for the issuance of its own asset credits fully backed by real liquid assets owned, held and controlled by the Foundation. Therefore, the Foundation is an independent institution accountable for its mission to neither public nor private funding parties nor donors but solely to its years long earned understanding of a different and better world and its commitment and belief for all people who need its support within a new thinking and a sustainable generation mission philosophy. The Foundation only engages in its mission projects in selected countries with project funds available and being able to release non bureaucratic commitments with immediate cash flows to be followed, always under control of the Foundation’s treasury management and its trusted people monitoring the field operations and proper use of project funds allocated.

As a private institution with a non-traditional funding concept the Foundation doesn’t publish accounting reports, balance sheets, administrative, country mission or single project activity budgets.

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