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Uncontrolled Immigration will continue without actions in the leaving countries. Based on the ground activities in Morocco and Egypt, the Foundation predicted in 2008 a massive immigration and refugee problem facing Western Societies, their cultures and social security systems without immediate actions on the ground. All on the ground endeavors so far failed. An Arab League survey amongst their member countries in 2007 showed an academic output of young people up to 100 million graduates until 2020. 50% of these graduates expressed the wish to migrate into Western countries. To absorb these young people in the job market it will demand the creation of yearly 6 million jobs in these member countries only. Without efficient on the ground actions the economic motives of leaving will grow drastically. Together with the humanitarian and refugee crisis the flow of people into Western target countries will be unstoppable.

All endeavors of Governments and international institutions to redefine migration, justifying and legitimizing illegal economic migration like the UN Global Compact for Migration is their bankruptcy declaration of failed policies the past decades having wasted several hundred billion of US dollars tax payer money in humanitarian aid and economic developments without having resulted in sustainable help for the people in their countries. More so, it is evidenced and reported that large volumes of these funds never received people in need but were embezzled by corrupt politicians and companies as well as used in international drug deals, human / sex trafficking and personal enrichment schemes. While humanitarian aid and economic development programs were abused for personal and sovereign benefits, a sustainable cross border long-term program to help the underprivileged and achieve a sound result in third world countries was never truly considered, because main demands of the people had been just ignored over economic gains.

It saddens that politicians and so-called experts are forcing and promoting illegal and legal economic migration to be legitimized as a human right instead of establishing valid programs and structures for education, job creation, employment opportunities and economic development to shore up third world countries with real investments into the people that will give them the resources for a good living in their countries and within their cultures. To the contrary, recommendations of international organizations and policies promote depopulation of these countries intending exploitation of urgently needed natural resources by multinationals and others for their own benefit and not benefiting citizens of these countries. With all these actions to promote migration into Western countries citizen’s identities of migrants will be stolen creating a modern slavery movement benefiting human smuggling organizations thereby violating the Human Rights Act and having shifted the problems from one location to another for these migrants not being able to live in dignity but having undermined sovereignty of nations.

There is only one solution to the migrant problem. Huge private investments into third world countries, shoring up these countries in generation programs to provide food, education, job creation allowing these people to create some private wealth and being able to live in dignity. They don’t want our money to live in welfare programs, they need our money and support for education, job creation to actively contribute to their living and being proud citizens of their native nations. Political interests and dependencies are not meant to understand these people’s real need. Only independent and non-accountable organizations and entrepreneurial programs can bring them real hope and sustainable solutions. The international community has proven over many past decades not being able to manage these issues they are faced with today, because they are not willing to change theirs and the people’s mindset and honoring sovereignty. To think about remigration programs and opportunities given to challenge problems of the people in these countries and investing on the spot is less popular as it demands a different and flexible thinking that is not compliant with antiquated policies ruling on human rights by international organizations trying to justify their existence and securing their monopolistic structures by undermining sovereignty of nations and promoting open border policies that will lead into human disasters only.

NEWS & POLICIES: Neuigkeiten
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